Detective Jason Weilend
Detective Jason T. Weiland Everest Metropolitan Police Department, WI
End of Watch: March 22, 2017 BFTF Representatives That Attended Funeral: Charles Kelleher Sgt. 1062 Fifth Precinct Kevin Naylor D/Sgt. 502 Retired
The following letter is from Sergeant Charlie Kelleher to BFTF President PO Jim Johnson
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend the Line of Duty Funeral for Detective Jason Weiland. I feel honored to have been chosen to attend. I wanted to express my gratitude to you, the board and the entire Brotherhood for the Fallen. Detective Jason Weiland was killed on March 22, 2017 and was the fourth victim to be murdered that day by the perp. The Perp had murdered 2 of his wife’s coworkers, her attorney and then went back to his apartment. Det. Weiland arrived at the scene of a barricaded subject and exposed himself to danger in order to set up a perimeter to keep the public safe. Unfortunately, he was shot in the head with a .308 round at 120 feet with a scoped rifle. He left behind a wife and 2 daughters 9 and 11. At the viewing, I presented the fellowship gift to Sergeant of the Everest Metro Police and Detective Weiland’s friend and supervisor. The Sergeant was acting as a liaison for the family. Both the widow and the Sergeant from the Everest Metro Police department expressed their gratitude for both our presence and the gift. With my travel companion, Kevin Naylor D/Sgt retired, we gave away 50 SCPD patches, 100 tie tack shield pins, a dozen Brotherhood for the Fallen Challenge coins, and bought a hundred beers for the cops there. We tried to present ourselves, Suffolk County, and the Brotherhood for the Fallen in the most positive light. We met up with members of other chapters of the Brotherhood for the Fallen, Chicago, NYPD, Aurora CO, Fort Worth, Texas. It was a great experience to meet Cops from all over the nation. We all come from various parts of the country but it is amazing that we are all of one basic thought process and motivated by loyalty to the thin blue line. The Everest Metro Police cover several small communities in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. We received many thanks for making the effort to attend. Jason’s department as well as the state and local police agencies went out of their way to make us welcome. Jason Weiland was a proud husband, father and police officer. He loved hunting, camping, mowing his lawn, ( I know it is a Wisconsin thing, I hear) kayaking, the Green Bay Packers, ( his wife wore a green bay jersey to the wake) and especially his family. The fellowship award will be of particular importance in Det. Weilands family’s life. They have benefits but nowhere near what we have here in New York. You gentlemen are doing God’s work, thank you for your efforts. Kevin shared the following: Charlie Kelleher and myself attended the funeral for Detective Jason Weiland last week in Wisconsin. We met a great group of members from Chapters in Chicago; NYPD; Fort Worth, Texas and Aurora, Colorado. We met Det. Weiland's wife and two daughters. At the funeral service on Wednesday, March 29th, Det. Weiland's 10 year old daughter did an excellent eulogy for her dad. She brought tears to everyone at the service. She showed strength that she said she got from her dad. Charlie presented the check and letter of condolence to Det. Weiland's wife. She too showed tremendous strength during the sad circumstances. I was impressed with the turnout from the community. As the multiple jurisdiction vehicles did the procession through town, residents lined the streets with American flags and handwritten signs supporting the Weiland family. Thank you Charlie and Kevin for representing us so well. We are proud to have you as members of the Brotherhood For The Fallen, Suffolk County, NY.